December Meeting of Chesapeake Sports Club
Coach Martin Oliver introduced the 49th Legend of Honor recipient Coach Patty Walsh.
Mrs. Walsh has coached basketball, field hockey, softball, boys soccer, and tennis over her 30 years in high school athletics. She is a member of the Bishop Sullivan basketball Hall of Fame and the Oscar Smith Hall of Fame. She stated that being inducted in the Legends of Honor is the proudest moment of her career.
Guest Speaker Wayne Gomes gave an inspiring talk on his major baseball career. From a summer league all-star game, Wayne was offered a scholarship to Old Dominion University. Over his career he played for the Philadelphia Phillies, San Francisco Giants, and Boston Red Sox. Wayne excelled as both a starting pitcher and a reliever.
The December meeting was held at the Chesapeake Conference Center. Lou Tayon will succeed Larry Zoeller as president of the club in 2015.
The Shopper Public Relations Executive Dr. Glenn Fritz, left, and guest speaker Wayne Gomes
From left: Club President-elect Lou Tayon, Patty Walsh, President Larry Zoeller, and Martin Oliver
Hickory High Outstanding Student Athlete in Cross Country Hannah Glasgow with her coach Jud Sarver
Hickory High Outstanding Student Athlete in Cross Country Hannah Glasgow with her parents Jane and Bob Glasgow